Sentinel 12-12-01

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Lauderdale NAACP chief, panel discuss allegations in newspaper story

By Gregory Lewis
Staff Writer
December 12 2001

The president of the Fort Lauderdale NAACP, under attack from an article in this week's The Broward Times that called for him to "Get Out of Dodge by Sundown," came back fighting what he called a personal attack in an emotional closed-door executive board meeting Tuesday.

Bill McCormick, president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's Fort Lauderdale branch, in a brief interview outside the meeting, said he had the support of the executive board and he had provided proof he had done things above board involving Wingate environmental issues and recommendations to the city of Fort Lauderdale in the ongoing discrimination complaints.

"I am not going anywhere. I was elected to serve the people, and I'm going to give them every bit of my talent."

McCormick was elected to a two-year term, which ends in October.

The Broward Times, one of two black weekly newspapers published in Broward County, featured a front-page story by Elgin Jones, a reporter for the newspaper, an engineering inspector for the city of Fort Lauderdale and a person who has filed a claim against the city.

Jones wrote "several members of the civil-rights organization and the community are calling for the resignation of branch President William McCormick."

According to the article, "What's at issue are allegations that McCormick watered down the original recommendations that the branch's executive committee had voted on and approved a week earlier and pulled a switch at the special meeting."

McCormick had read recommendations to the membership that did not include a call for City Attorney Dennis Lyles and other ranking managers and department heads to be fired.

But the membership amended the recommendations to include that Lyles and other city officials be dismissed from their positions.

In an interview before Tuesday night's meeting, McCormick said "the blatantly disrespectful article" only had served to "rejuvenate me."

He promised the truth would be told with proof.

McCormick, in his statement, said, "The executive committee has fully supported everything I've done. I will continue to move the agenda forward. We won't be sidetracked internally or externally."

At one point during the meeting, McCormick could be heard through the doors, saying, "We should not let anyone internally or externally destroy the aim of this organization."

McCormick said he addressed item by item the charges in the article and provided the committee with details, e-mails and memos to show the communications between him and the national office regarding an amicus brief that Legal Aid Service of Broward County had asked the branch to support in the Wingate project.

The NAACP failed to join with Legal Aid in supporting the brief. Last week, Sharon Bourassa, the director of Legal Aid, said her agency had no confidence in McCormick and would not work with the chapter while he was president.

McCormick said he followed procedures and made an attempt to support Legal Aid, but he said the national office refused to file the brief because of a "time line" problem.

But McCormick said "the NAACP stands behind the community in seeking environmental justice" in the Wingate project. Later, McCormick said his first year in office had been a learning one but he was set to put in motion "an action agenda in 2002."
Courtesy Sun-Sentinel


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